What Should My Iron Level Be in My Body?

The normal iron level in the body is 75 to 175 micrograms/dl for male adults. For females it’s 65 to 166. For children it’s 50 to 120. The normal level for babies range from 100 to 250 micrograms/dl.

Causes of Increased Iron Levels

If the level goes up to 350 micrograms/dl, it is regarded as very dangerous. If it goes up or over 1,000 micrograms/dl, it signifies
iron poisoning.

There are numerous chemicals and substances that can raise the level above normal. These include alcoholic drinks, some contraceptives and vitamin supplements. If you take the latter, it’s important you take only that which you need. Too many vitamins
can be a health risk.

The normal iron level in the body is also increased by certain diseases. Among them are hepatitis, leukemia and lead poisoning. Kidney and liver ailments also raise the total above the acceptable levels. Medication like testosterone, methicillin and colchicine also add to the amount.

Factors that Contribute to Iron Deficiency

There are also some diseases that can sap iron from the human body. These include anemia, lupus and late pregnancy. In some cases, arthritis can reduce iron levels. Thyroid deficiencies and heavy blood loss will drain the body of iron too.

Iron Deficiency Anemia

The most common effect of iron deficiency is anemia. If the anemia is mild, there will be little if any symptoms. Even if the normal iron level in the body isn’t set, it will produce little harmful effect if the drop off isn’t high. If the deficiency is high, symptoms will manifest.

The most common is fatigue. Apart from physical weakness, anemia can also affect the heart. The disease is most dangerous for small children and pregnant women. It can lead to poisoning, heart failure or severe infections. In some cases, the lack of iron will cause behavioral problems too.

Getting Enough Iron

A balanced diet is needed to ensure the levels are just right. The best food sources are eggs, meat and other dairy products. There are also some foods that have been fortified with the element you can eat. This is the best way to ensure a normal iron level in the body.

Aside from illnesses, certain diets could lead to iron deficiency. This can happen when you switch to a vegetarian diet and don’t get replacements for the iron produced by meats. Foods with high sugar often have limited amounts of iron. In addition these foods can increase the body’s sugar levels. This may lead to diabetes.

A meal too rich in fiber can reduce iron levels, as these diets limit the body’s ability to take in iron. 1 year old babies are also susceptible to iron loss if fed cow’s milk. Cow’s milk doesn’t have the iron level infants need.

There will be times when more iron is needed. In particular this would be during the teenage years. Pregnant women also need more of the element.

Knowing the normal iron level in the body is a must for everyone. By going to your doctor and having this checked up, you can the steps needed to manage the total amount.