When Should My Next Menstrual Cycle Start?

The menstrual cycle is every 28 days. The 28 day count starts from the first day of your period up to the first day of the proceeding period.

What Age Should Periods Begin?

The cycle can start early (when a girl is 9) or late (when she’s 16). Getting your first period at any time during these points is normal. Contrary to some misconceptions, there are no health risks when a girl gets her period at an early age. Neither are there
health issues if the cycle doesn’t start until she’s in her teens.

There are many reasons why the menstrual cycle may start late. It’s most frequently seen in girls who are physically active or into sports. As stated, there’s nothing wrong with starting your period late. But if you feel uneasy, you can ask your health provider or doctor.

Variations in the Cycle

If your period doesn’t match the 28 day cycle, it’s okay. Some cycles run every 21 or even 35 days. So if your period frequency is slightly quicker or slower than 28 days, that’s nothing to worry about.

The period length itself varies. It can be as short as 3 days or last up to a week. Blood flow is usually at its peak on the first day. There is usually very little blood on the last day.

If it’s your first period, the menstrual cycle may be a little different. Your first period may be heavy. The next one may be light and so on. Eventually it will adopt the normal pattern of heavy on the first day and light on the last day.

Irregular Periods

Most people associate irregular periods with pregnancy. If you’re sexually active, you’ll want to look at this possibility. But there are other possible reasons. Eating disorders can lead to irregular menstruation. Excessive exercise can also affect your period. Some girls who are gaining or losing weight sometimes get their periods affected.

The menstrual cycle might also be irregular during the first year. This is normal. If the period is too widely spaced, you should consult a doctor.

There is a hormonal imbalance known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which may be causing it. You’ll need to see the doctor if the gap is 35 days or more. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome might appear if you have weight problems or acne.

If the gap is too close together (i.e., every two weeks), it could be due to stress or anemia. Consult with your health adviser for the proper course of action. Aside from taking the right medication, eating the right foods is necessary. If you are anemic, eating nutritious food is necessary.

Other Information

If your period is irregular, you can utilize a calendar to keep track. It also helps if you keep a journal of your symptoms. Do you feel cramps? Is the bleeding unusually heavy on the second or third day?

Write these things down. It helps you keep track of your period. At the same time the information may prove useful when you go for a check up.

Understanding the facts about your menstrual cycle is essential. Armed with the right information, you’ll know exactly how to handle the situation.